Mauritania Top 100 Companies

Mauritania Business Intelligence

As a growing economy, Mauritania´s business community is growing by the day. Here you can find a list of the top 100 companies in 2020 divided by sectors of activity.



Générale de Banque

Leila Bouamatou chairs the board of directors of one of the main banks in Mauritania.

Banque El Amana

One of the most important bank in Mauritania which will inaugurate its new headquarters in 2021 

Moov - Mauritel

Mr. Johnson is a professor of economic sciences and spent several years as a member of local and municipal governments. 

Port Autonome de Nouakchott

Ms. Renaud was elected to the board after several years of working with the company. She is a trained medical scientist. 

eBizGuides Talks

By eBizguides April 26, 2020
A kind but tough and experienced man, Taleb Ould Sid´Ahmed, the minister of Employment, Youth and Sports in Mauritania has one main concern: situation of young people in Mauritania. “We will put all our efforts in them”, explains the minister. “We have a plan to create 100.000 jobs in the next five years. And we need to be pragmatic in this”.
By eBizguides April 26, 2020
Hades Consulting is an international advisory firm based in Nouakchott, Mauritania. It is the first step for investors and foreign professionals interested in starting new businesses or developing their activities in Mauritania. The firm offers a wide range of services to meet the clients´ needs with maximum efficiency, adaptability and professionalism. It also provides registered address to companies in their offices.
By eBizguides April 26, 2020
Founded in 1995, Nationale d'Assurances et de Réassurances (NASR SA). resulted of the transformation of SMAR, the first insurance company established in Mauritania. It covers all types of insurances including motor, marine, fire, special risks at work, travel assistances, fishing or health in Mauritania.
By eBizguides April 26, 2020
With 77 rooms, Tfeila Hotel is located in the main street of Nouakchott, Avenue Charles de Gaulle, just in the heart of the city and just fifteen minutes away from a kilometre long paradisiac beach. It is close to Embassies and Ministries and around thirty minutes from Nouakchott International Airport.
By eBizguides April 26, 2020
Located on the largest Moktar Ould Daddah Boulevard in front of the congress palace. Nouakchott Hotel benefits one of the most secure geographical locations in a comfortable atmosphere.
By eBizguides April 23, 2020
Mauritel is the leading telecom company in Mauritania providing mobile, fixed and internet services. It has by far the most extensive network coverage in the national territory allowing more than 90% of the Mauritanian population to have access to modern services in Mobile, Fixed and Internet technologies
By eBizguides April 23, 2020
The Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) is a Mauritanian public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy in charge of managing the social security system in the country. It covers different local family pensions, risks at work, pensions for elderly, invalidity and death.
By eBizguides April 21, 2020
The Mauritanian Insurance and Reinsurance Company (MAR S.A) was created on December 16, 2002. It belongs to one of the most powerful Mauritanian business groups with presence in all strategic sectors, notably finance led by one of the top Mauritanian banks, Banque pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BCI) and chaired by Mr. Isselmou Tajedine.
By eBizguides April 20, 2020
Afri Fish is considered one the most important and reliable seafood exporter companies in Mauritania. Its unique client, Mercadona (Spanish leader supermarket with profits of more than 25.000 million of euros) trusts in Afri Fish as a fixed exporter of low tide fresh fish.
By eBizguides April 18, 2020
The Company for the Development of Digital Infrastructures (SDIN) is a national company, created in 2014, whose head office is located in Nouakchott. The company is in charge of financing, building,. holding, managing, operating and maintaining the telecom infrastructure as well as the installation of all electronic communications equipment needed on Mauritanian territory.
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