A kind but tough and experienced man, Taleb Ould Sid´Ahmed, the minister of Employment, Youth and Sports in Mauritania has one main concern: situation of young people in Mauritania. “We will put all our efforts in them”, explains the minister. “We have a plan to create 100.000 jobs in the next five years. And we need to be pragmatic in this”.
Employment and training of the younger generation of Mauritanians are the two priorities of the minister. “We need to prepare our people in line with the market demand. This is why we will invest our efforts in creating and spreading vocational training centers. The new market, especially since the discovery of gas, demands technical skills and new types of professionals”, says Taleb Ould Sid´Ahmed.
The strategy of the Minister is based in different pillars. “We need first to train our future trainers, then have an open aptitude to private and international investment to face the huge challenges we have and finally to bring our education to international standards.
The Minister of Employment, Youth and Sports insists also in enhancing the entrepreneurship in Mauritania. As he affirms, it is needed to create a solid entrepreneurship culture in the country and give the people the required skills to build it. “We need to understand the important role of women in Mauritania. “How to empower women in Mauritania? This is one of our responsibilities”, says the Minister of Employment, Youth and Sports.
Other plans of the Ministry include the creation of new sport infrastructures to link sports and development.
Ministère de l´Emploi, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
City: Nouakchott (Mauritania)
Tel: +222 45 29 63 37 / +222 42 09 19 19