The Company for the Development of Digital Infrastructures (SDIN) is a national company, created in 2014, whose head office is located in Nouakchott. It is in charge of financing, building,. holding, managing, operating and maintaining the telecom infrastructure as well as the installation of all electronic communications equipment needed on Mauritanian territory. SDIN is also responsible for any building and equipment necessary for its operation and for acquiring user rights to this end or purchasing existing infrastructures or networks.
It must guarantee open, transparent and non-discriminatory access to Installations, in particular broadband capacity and other resources available to any operator of electronic communications networks or services duly authorised in Mauritania, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
“We act as an intermediate between the government and private companies thus ensuring transparency and communication in the telecom sector. Our main concern is transparency. We need to be transparent in order to gain confidence and make the people trust us, says Ahmed Salem Tekrour, General Director of SDIN)
SDIN will be the owner of the currently under construction so called “National Backbone” for the telecom system and its Technical Building. It will delegate its operation, maintenance and marketing to the International Mauritania Telecom (IMT) company. The national backbone should be ready by June 2020.
“There are two telecom cables in Mauritania but a third cable is also needed. The national backbone will ensure sovereignty", explains Tekrour.
Company: Societé pour le Développement des Infrastructures Numériques (Societé Nationale)
Address Zone: TVZ Villa N14 Module K NOT
BP: 5825
City: Nouakchott (Mauritanie)
Tel: +222 45252215