Antigua & Barbuda

eBizguides Antigua & Barbuda

Un paraíso asombroso

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The concept of eBizguides
eBizguides aims to provide on-the-ground information about the country economic performance, the main investment opportunities and acute business intelligence research about who are the leaders and influencers of the country and which are the top 100 companies.  All you  need to know about doing business in a country and in a unique publication that also includes a small tourism guide. eBizguides are the world's leading business intelligence guidebooks. Click to read more.

Estabilidad economica

Antigua & Barbuda’s economy is one of the most prosperous in the Caribbean region. While its heavy reliance on tourism makes the country vulnerable to downturns in international markets, its highly successful Citizenship by Investment Program, launched in 2013, has been a much welcome source of economic stability, spurring an economic recovery which quickly brought the country back to its pre 2008 levels.


Hoy, la economía de Antigua es diferente a la de los siglos XVII y XVIII. En lugar de depender de la agricultura, la principal fuente de empleo de la isla proviene ahora del turismo y las industrias de servicios gubernamentales. Actualmente, el turismo representa el 60% del PIB del país y el 40% de la inversión. De hecho, el sector de servicios representa el 80% de la economía, mientras que la agricultura y la industria solo representan el 2,2% y el 17,8% respectivamente.


Like many countries around the world, Antigua & Barbuda’s economy suffered a major setback after the 2008 global economic crisis. With tourism being the main driver of the economy, the government implemented the Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) as a way to jumpstart the economy, by attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), renewing interest in the real estate market and spurring investment in the general economy. Antigua & Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP), also known as Economic Citizenship, allows eligible investors and their families to be granted the Antiguan citizenship and passport by making a significant economic contribution to the country. Antigua’s economic citizenship program is among the least expensive in the world, and applications are typically approved in as little as 90 days. To qualify, applicants must be over 18 years of age, submit to a rigorous due diligence process which involves background checks, and select one of the following three investment options:
1. A contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF) of a minimum non-refundable amount of US$ 200,000.
2. A n investment of at least US$ 400,000 into one of the approved real estate projects and to be held for a minimum period of 5 years.
3. A n investment of a minimum of US$ 1,500,000 directly into an eligible business as a sole investor or a joint investment involving at least two persons totaling at least US$ 5,000,000 and each of those persons individually invests at least US$ 400,000.

Antigua & Barbuda

Con 365 playas, una para cada día del año, el estado insular gemelo de Antigua y Barbuda se destaca del resto de las islas del Caribe. No es solo por su ubicación privilegiada, siendo el eje del Caribe Oriental, sino también por su cultura, población diversificada y magníficos paisajes. El turismo es el principal motor de la economía de Antigua y Barbuda. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, el nuevo gobierno ha hecho y está haciendo muchos esfuerzos para promover la producción de riqueza en otros sectores de la economía como la energía, el sector inmobiliario y el transporte. Considerado un destino de lujo de alta gama, las oportunidades de inversión en el país son tan numerosas como seguras. Con la reciente abolición de los impuestos sobre la renta de las personas físicas y su entorno favorable a las empresas, la isla está ahora en el centro de atención de la comunidad internacional. El mar Caribe está lleno de tesoros, y el estado de las islas gemelas es uno de ellos: es una potencia económica emergente.
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