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This rebound is mainly due to strong household consumption, favored by the return of confidence after the crisis and by a sharp increase in public investment. Indeed, the government has adopted a new national development program (PND) for the period which aims to transform the country into an emerging country.
A Growing Economy
Côte d'Ivoire experienced a remarkable rebound after the 2011 crisis, going from a growth rate of -4.4% in 2011 to more than 10% in 2012, to stabilize around 8% for the last four years. . It should also be noted that the net debt has been halved in one year (from 93.3% of GDP in 2011 to 44.8% in 2012), to decrease to 32.9% in 2016.
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A stable political climate
In the aftermath of a post-election crisis, and after ten years of politico-military tensions and conflicts of all kinds, Côte d'Ivoire has once again become a stable country. The country is now enjoying a normal institutional life which has materialized following legislative, municipal and regional elections. Also, the country has republican institutions, because the leaders are accountable through various mechanisms of control of their actions. Also, with regard to security, a prerequisite for any viable economic development, the actions of the new authorities made it possible to reduce insecurity. In fact, according to the UN standard, the insecurity index fell from 4 to 2 in December 2013, the same security index as Geneva or New York. Finally, the strengthening of the rule of law is taking place. continues and the projects of peace, justice and national reconciliation are experiencing real acceleration thanks to the many initiatives of the public authorities and civil society.
En octobre 2010, Alassane OUATTARA remporte l’élection présidentielle. Dans le même temps, le Président sortant Laurent GBAGBO refuse de reconnaitre le verdict de lq Commission Electorqle et se soumet à celui du Conseil Constitu- tionnel. C’est le début de la crise post-électorale qui coutera la vie à plus de 3000 personnes. C’est dans le contexte que Laurent GBAGBO est détenu à La Haye depuis novembre 2011. Il est accusé de crimes contre l'humanité lors de la crise post-électo- rale de 2010-2011. En Novembre 2016, le peuple a adopté une nou- velle Constitution par référendum, à 93% pour, avec un taux de participation de 42% de l’électorat. Cette nouvelle constitution clarifie les condition d’éligibilité du président (évacuant le terme d’ « ivoirité ») et prévoit la création d’un poste de Vice-Président et d’un Sénat.Nue