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Country Investor Guides

eBizGuides is  an international communication company and publishing house with 20 years of worldwide experience. We are specialised in country branding and institutional branding through our main product and all its resources: eBizGuides. The World's Leading Business Intelligence Guidebooks.

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Leaders and Influencers | Spot up opportunities

Throughout the years and  across the globe, more than 1,000 companies and public institutions have trusted us  to communicate to their potential clients.

20 years | 50 countries | 4 continents 
 500,000 guidebooks | Thousand of online views and downloads

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Our Collection

After 20 years and more than 55 titles published we can reaffirm we are a consolidated publishing house. Although our main market is Africa, we have moved around successfully to other continents.
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Featured Country 

Mauritania: eBizGuides 

We have updated our eBizGuide Mauritania!

Now in English

Located in Africa´s Atlantic Coast, some would say that Mauritania is a “silent country”. However big it is - twice as big as France or Spain- Mauritania is only now starting to reach the global arena. 

The discovery of two large gas fields in the country’s shore and the arrival of all major oil global oil players have pushed Mauritania to the global spotlight.

Now available eBizGuides Mauritanie 2.1 in our shop Click Here

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eBizGuides Côte D´Ivoire 3.0
Upcoming publication

Côte D`Ivoire, Reelection 

Alassane Ouattara, current president of Côte d'Ivoire, was re-elected for a third term.
Côte d'Ivoire was West Africa's fastest growing economy in 2020.
eBizGuides feature

Who is who in Africa

The new generation of African Leaders 2020

A continent  with one of the youngest population fighting for a generation change.
African Leaders average  60 years old.
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